데이터 구조 및 분석 ch_1_3 Naming, Styling and Comments
Jun 29, 2021
KAIST 산업및시스템공학과 문일철_ 데이터 구조 및 분석 수업을 참고하여 작성하였습니다
ch_1_3 Naming, Styling and Comments
Naming, Styling and Comments
1. Naming, Styling and Comments - Naming : Use names clearly conveying the meaning (의미를 잘 전달) # 1 class camel casing 1) Class name - 명사 위주로 - Capitalize the first letter ex) HelloWorld 2) Variable name - contents to be stored - start with lower case - acceptable (but python X) ex) numberOfStudents = 100 intCount = 0 3) Method name - Verb for the method action (움직이는거라 동사로 명) - start with lower case ex) def performAverage(self, val1, val2) 2. Indentation : 4 spaces per each level (4칸 들여쓰기) 3. Comments - block 주석 ``` ~~~ ``` or """ ~~~ """ : beginning and ending of multiline comments - # 주석 : beginning of single-line comments
징징이는 공부를 해요
징징이는 놀고 싶어요
징징이는 떡볶이를 좋아해요
class HelloWorld : # class
def __init__(self) : # fucntion
print("Helllo world! just one more time! ")
def __del__(self) :
print("Good bye!")
def performAverage(self, val1, val2) :
average = (val1 + val2) /2.0
print("The average of the scores is : ", average)