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데이터 구조 및 분석 ch_1_5 String

» writing

KAIST 산업및시스템공학과 문일철_ 데이터 구조 및 분석 수업을 참고하여 작성하였습니다

ch_1_5 String



1. String
: 문자열, 문자가 연속으로 이루어짐
strTest = "Hello world' gani"   # -> string variable statements both of ' amd "
strTestComp = "Hello world' gani"
print(strTestComp, strTest == strTestComp)      # -> string value equivalence test
print(strTest[0], strTest[1])
print(strTest[-1], strTest[-2])
# -> string variable is actually a linear collection of letters (that have indexes)
print(strTest + " " + "Dept")       # -> how the string operators work!
print("gani" in strTest)
print("gani" not in strTest)

# Hello world' gani
# Hello world' gani True
# H e
# i n
# 17
# Hello world' gani Dept
# Hello world' ganiHello world' gani
# True
# False