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데이터 구조 및 분석 ch_1_11 Module and Import

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KAIST 산업및시스템공학과 문일철_ 데이터 구조 및 분석 수업을 참고하여 작성하였습니다

ch_1_11 Module and Import


Module and Import

1. Module and Import
: See how to separate the source code files
- just put your code in another file (filename.py)
: See how to use classes in other files
- import filename
: Use from to specify the directory, or the folder, path
# Home.py
from time import ctime

class MyHome:
    colorRoof = 'red'
    stateDoor = 'closed'
    def paintRoof(self, color):
        self.colorRoof = color
    def openDoor(self):
        self.stateDoor = 'open'
    def closeDoor(self):
        self.stateDoor = 'close'
    def printStatus(self):
        print("Root color is ", self.colorRoof, \
              ", and Door color is ", self.stateDoor)
    def __init__(self, strAddress):
        print('Built on', strAddress)
        print('Built at', ctime())
    def __del__(self):
        print('Destroyed at', ctime())
# UsingMyHome.py
import main
homeAtDaejeon = main.MyHome('Daejeon KAIST')

# Built on Daejeon KAIST        -> constructor
# Built at Sun Jul  4 00:49:25 2021     -> constructor
# Root color is  red , and Door color is  closed    -> printStatus()
# Destroyed at Sun Jul  4 00:49:25 2021     -> deconstructor
2. Organizing Modules by Package
: Directory or folder
- Modules -> filename.py
: call these directories as package
: previous information is exactly (from package import module)
: package has
- __init__.py in the directory
- how to difeerentiate between the ordinary and the package directories
from edu.kaist.session.edu.week1 import Home
3. Sample Program : Interaction with your program
class CashierLine :
    lstLine = []    # member variable (list_
    def addCustomer(self, strName):     #member func
    def processCustomer(self):
        strReturnName = self.lstLine[0]
        return strReturnName
    def printStatus(self):
        strReturn = ""
        for itr in range(len(self.lstLine)) :
            strReturn += self.lstLine[itr] + " "
        return strReturn

binLoop = True
line = CashierLine()
while binLoop:
    strName = input("Enter customer name : ")
    if strName == ".":
    elif strName == "->":
        print("Processed : ", line.processCustomer())
        print("Line : ", line.printStatus())
    else :
        print("Line :", line.printStatus())
print("Number of remaining custormers : ", len(line.lstLine))

# Enter customer name : Mooon
# Line : Mooon 
# Enter customer name : Sun
# Line : Mooon Sun 
# Enter customer name : ->
# Processed :  Mooon
# Line :  Sun 
# Enter customer name : .
# Number of remaining custormers :  1